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Basic use
This protocol covers the basics of mounting your sample on the microscope and setting up the perfect focus. If the microscope is off, turn on the microscope following the protocol taped to the wall. Start Nikon Elements: Click on the icon on the deskto...
Using the Perfect Focus System (PFS)
The perfect focus system locates the coverslip and continually adjusts the objective height to follow any drift in the system. Engaging the PFS Only if using the 100x oil objective, first raise the objective by turning the z-axis control until the oil cont...
Moving the sample
The microscope contains a motorized stage which moves the sample. The stage is controlled using the joystick. The sections below describe how to move the sample in XY and Z directions. XY position The XY position of the stage can be controlled by using the j...
Using Live View
In live view, the microscope will continuously acquire images, allowing you to preview settings and focus the sample. These are general instructions to use Live View mode: Make sure an optical configuration is selected by clicking on the appropriate butt...
Changing the optical configuration
The following sections describe the different settings that can be changed for each channel. These parameters are saved independently for each channel. Changing channels Select the desired optical configuration by clicking on the button in the OC Panel. Th...
Adjusting the lookup tables
When acquiring images, the camera records the intensity of light falling on each pixel. This results in a greyscale image that is later colored by the Nikon Elements software. The apparent brightness of each pixel can be adjusted using a "lookup table" (LUT). ...
Acquiring a single image
This protocol explains how to take a simple image with just a single frame and a single channel. If acquiring multiple channels, timelapse, or z-stack images, follow Using the ND Acquisition panel. Select the desired optical configuration by clicking on the...
Using the ND acquisition panel
This page describes how to use the ND acquisition panel to set up more complex imaging, including multiple channels and timelapse movies. If you are planning to acquire an image with just a single frame and a single channel, see instructions on Acquiring a sin...
Cleaning up
It is important that you clean up after yourself after using the microscope, as well as transferring and backing up your data. Transfer your images from the PC. Copy the files to a harddrive, upload it to the BioFrontiers servers, or to a cloud service (...
Adding oil to an oil immersion objective
Cleaning an oil immersion microscope objective
Recognizing the core
It is essential that the staff and use of the BioFrontiers Advanced Light Microscopy Core is recognized in your publications, presentations, and posters. Proper recognition allow us to demonstrate our impact on the local scientific community and helps us procu...
Gaining facility access
The workflow below describes how to gain access to the instrumentation and resources found within the BioFrontiers ALMC. We aim to get to know you and to understand your imaging needs, ensure that you are trained on the correct microscope, and provide guidan...
Nikon Widefield Specifications
General Information Microscope type: WidefieldPurpose: Rapid and long-term 2D imagingFPbase link: Equipment information Location: JSCBB C305D Equipment tags: HHMI 301492 HHMI 311898 Sample ty...
Nikon SDC - Specifications
Type: Spinning disc confocalPurpose: Rapid 2D and 3D imaging of samplesFixed cells: YesLive cells: YesFPBase link: NoneRoom: C350A Software: NIS Elements - v5.42.03 HASP: 293CDCAABase: Nikon...
Nikon A1R - Basic setup
This guide describes how to turn on the microscope and mount your sample on the microscope. If the microscope is off, turn on the microscope (the following protocol is also taped to the wall): Turn on power strip 1. Turn on power strip 2. Turn the key ...
Nikon A1R - Moving the sample
The microscope contains a motorized stage which moves the sample. The stage is controlled using the joystick. The sections below describe how to move the sample in XY and Z directions. XY position The XY position of the stage can be controlled by using the j...
Using the Perfect Focus System (PFS)
The perfect focus system locates the coverslip and continually adjusts the objective height to follow any drift in the system. Engaging the PFS Only if using the 100x oil objective, first raise the objective by turning the z-axis control until the oil cont...
Reporting damage
The ALMC is a shared resource used by many researchers and labs throughout CU Boulder. It is therefore incredibly important that you report any damage immediately by sending an email to or via Microsoft Teams. We get it - mistakes ha...
Nikon A1R - Mode of operation
Overview of the OC (Optical Configuration) control panel The OC Panel contains the different light source configurations. You will principally use the Nikon A1 configuration for the laser scanning with the Nikon PMT as a detector. The DIA (diascopic transmit...