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Using the Perfect Focus System (PFS)
The perfect focus system locates the coverslip and continually adjusts the objective height to follow any drift in the system. Engaging the PFS Only if using the 100x oil objective, first raise the objective by turning the z-axis control until the oil cont...
Using the Perfect Focus System (PFS)
The perfect focus system locates the coverslip and continually adjusts the objective height to follow any drift in the system. Engaging the PFS Only if using the 100x oil objective, first raise the objective by turning the z-axis control until the oil co...
Shut Down and clean up procedures
When you are done imaging, remove your sample from the microscope and place it on a kimwipe or other paper towel if it has oil or water. If you used an oil objective, please refer to the instructions of Dr. Dragavon to clean it. Shut down the system accordi...
9. Bruker TruLive3D shut-down procedure
Once you are done with your experiment, please proceed with the following shut-down procedure: Turn off the microscope Turn off the cameras Turn off the chiller Turn off the gas mixer controller Close the CO2 valves Remove y...
PerkinElmer - Opera Phenix manual
This microscope has excellent online resources that you can consult after completing your in-person training. The University of Colorado PerkinElmer Opera Phenix training site can be found here. To login, please email Joe Dragavon at biof-imaging@colorado....
5. Bruker TruLive3D Finding the sample
Make sure you performed the calibration of the system before lowering your sample in the chamber. Finding your sample You should have already installed your sample, so the first step is to lower the z stage to bring the sample between the two illumin...
Online learning resources by Nikon
Nikon is now offering learning resources available online. To request a login password, please email Joe Dragavon at Nikon e-learning center "The Nikon Instruments Learning Center provides interactive tutorials on a variety of topic...
Online learning resources by Nikon
Nikon is now offering learning resources available online. To request a login password, please email Joe Dragavon at Nikon e-learning center "The Nikon Instruments Learning Center provides interactive tutorials on a variety of top...
Online learning resources by Nikon
Nikon is now offering learning resources available online. To request a login password, please email Joe Dragavon at Nikon e-learning center "The Nikon Instruments Learning Center provides interactive tutorials on a variety of topic...
Online learning resources by Nikon
Nikon is now offering learning resources available online. To request a login password, please email Joe Dragavon at Nikon e-learning center "The Nikon Instruments Learning Center provides interactive tutorials on a variety of topic...
Bruker TruLive3D specifications and primary uses
Bruker TruLive3D main specifications The TruLive3D has 4 imaging channels at 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm. The imaging objective is 25X 1.1NA water immersion. The magnification changer does not change the NA of the system. The system is corrected fo...
Bruker TruLive3D Sample preparation guidelines
This page contains some tips for sample preparation for the Bruker Trulive 3D. It is not exhaustive, it only gives a starting point for users on how to make their samples. Before planning an experiment, always check in with the Beckman center staff to ensure t...
Specifications and primary uses of the OPM
Single Objective Light Sheet Microscope The Single Objective Light Sheet Microscope is also referred to as Oblique Plane Microscope or OPM. It is a custom design Light Sheet microscope that enables high resolution and can be used with standard coverslipped ...
Sample preparation for the OPM
Good news: Traditional sample preparation! The OPM sample holders are similar to that of other commercial microscopes. Slides, round dishes and multi-well plates can be used. There is nothing different for your sample preparation so far.
Using the OPM
The Single Objective Light Sheet Microscope is a custom-designed microscope and is a VERY sensitive instrument. It is very easy to bump components out of alignment. For this reason, you will not be allowed to use it in autonomy. There are no trainings provide...
OPM Data processing in Fiji
OPM Data The data generated by the OPM is in TIFF format. Whether you acquire a single image or a z-stack, you will get a single TIFF file containing all the images. The software also saves an "experiment" file in Yaml format that contains all the experime...
References and example
The Fiji plugin for annotating movies with custom arrows was developed by Stephan Daetwyler, Carl D.Modes and Reto Fiolka at UT SouthWestern. To read about it and acknowledge the authors, please refer to this publication.
Plugin installation
Complete instructions for plugin installation can be found in this publication. The GitHub page with the source code can be found here. Here is a Youtube video with a tutorial to install and use the plugin.
Bruker TruLive3D Data visualization in Fiji
The data generated by the Bruker TruLive3D contains a Fiji header named bdv.h5. Fiji is an open source software that can be very powerful to view, process and render your data. You should really explore its possibilities! When you install Fiji (ImageJ) it c...
Setting up an experiment on the OPM
This page is a guide to set-up an experiment with the OPM. All experiments on the OPM will be done under the supervision of the Beckman staff and you will get help with processing the data to make it ready to analyze. Turning the system on Inserting the...