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9. Bruker TruLive3D shut-down procedure

Once you are done with your experiment, please proceed with the following shut-down procedure:

  • Turn off the microscope

  • Turn off the cameras

  • Turn off the chiller

  • Turn off the gas mixer controller

  • Close the CO2 valves

  • Remove your sample from the chamber

  • Empty the sample chamber using the syringe. Be careful not to spill water. Dispose of the DI water that was in the chamber in the prep room and rinse the becher. Refill DI water squeezy bottle if needed.

  • Clean the objective lenses using lens cleaning tissue with 70% ethanol​ or lens cleaning solution. NEVER use dry lens tissue to clean the lenses as it may scratch them.

  • Dry the inside of the chamber using kimWipes and wipe everything using 70% ethanol. Wrap a kimWipe on a swab to access all areas in the chamber.

  • Close the lid once the chamber is dry.

  • PLEASE wipe all areas you have used around the microscope, benches and desk with 70% ethanol. Do not leave your used gloves on the desk or benches.