Opera Phenix Data management
Opera Phenix Data Backup Protocol
After your session, you should backup your data from the Opera Phenix. There are two main file formats for you to export your data: 1) as a TIFF series for analysis using MATLAB, ImageJ/Fiji, other programs, or 2) as an Archive file (compatible with Harmony only). The instructions for each are below (note that in the Harmony software “Measurements” refers to your images).
Exporting your data does not “delete” your data from Harmony. This is done through a separate process described below.
Exporting images as a TIFF series
This option should only be used for analyzing your data outside of Harmony. The TIFF series cannot be reimported back into Harmony.
To export the images:
- Select Settings -> Data Management -> Export Data.
- Select "Measurements Including Associated Files".
Exporting the archive
In the Harmony software, "archive" refers to a full and true backup of your data. Archives can be reimported back into Harmony for future analysis.
To export the data archive:
- Select Settings -> Data Management -> Write Archive
- Select the measurement files you wish to archive
- Select the destination path
- It may be a good idea to create a separate folder per experiment or per project to help you organize your archives
- Over time, you can add more data to an existing archive. When you import the archive, you can select the data you wish to import, so not the full archive
- Once you have saved your archived data, please delete the data as described below
Opera Phenix Data Deletion Protocol
Once you have backed up/transferred your data off the Harmony server, please delete your exported data from the User Data folder and your raw data through Harmony.
To delete data using Harmony:
- Select Settings -> Data Management -> Delete Data
- Please delete your Measurements only. The other files (experiment, analysis) can remain as these do not consume much disk space.